Jax.Network weekly update

Jax.Network Blog
Published in
Nov 25, 2022


by Maryna Trifonova, Head of Content at Jax.Network

Our developers continue to improve the core and test new features for PeaceWallet, which are expected to be added in the next wallet update. Meanwhile, the marketing team started to gather insight on exchange listings and plan engaging activities for our community.

Technical updates

  1. Сontinued to test PeaceWallet updates
  2. Worked on improving the core

Marketing updates

  1. Worked on the content for our websites and blogs
  2. Continued to work on new design features for our website
  3. Started to plan community activities
  4. Reviewing proposals for listing on centralized exchanges
  5. Continued follow-ups on mining pool listing

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Official Group: https://t.me/jax_chat

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jax-network/



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